Institutul Central de Cercetare Științifică este structura care asigură coordonarea științifică și metodologică a centrelor de cercetare din Universitate.

Institutul Central de Cercetare Științifică își propune:

  •     ● aprofundarea cercetării universitare multidisciplinare;
  •     ● asigurarea condiţiilor necesare participării Universităţii la reţele şi programe naţionale şi internaţionale de cercetare;
  •     ● asigurarea de servicii de specialitate către diferiţi beneficiari;
  •     ● cotarea relevantă a revistelor Universităţii prin includerea acestora în baze de date internaţionale;
  •     ● surse permanente de finanţare;
  •     ● creşterea performanţelor şi a rezultatelor ştiinţifice ale personalului didactic şi de cercetare din Universitate, pe plan naţional şi internaţional;
  •     ● educarea studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în spiritul performanţei şi competitivităţii ştiinţifice;
  •     ● transformarea Universităţii într-o instituţie de învăţământ superior antreprenorială.


Since its establishment, Spiru Haret University has assumed the mission of education and research.

The general mission of Spiru Haret University, as an accredited higher education institution, as described in the Charter, is to generate and transfer knowledge to society through:

a) initial and continuous training at university and postgraduate level, for the purpose of personal development, professional insertion of the beneficiaries of the educational process and satisfying the need for competence of the socio-economic environment;

  1. b) scientific research, development, innovation and technological transfer through individual and collective creation, in the field of sciences, arts, letters, through the achievement of performances and physical and sports development, as well as through the valorization and dissemination of their results. Spiru Haret University aims to obtain a good position among universities in Romania, to enjoy academic recognition at national and international level, as a result of carrying out research and innovation activity at European standards.

● Strengthening the University's position in the European Education and Research Area (ERA); 

● Strengthening the University's position in the academic and research environment in Romania; 

● Developing the education - research - business environment - community relationship; 

● Increasing the quality of human resources in research, in order to achieve scientific excellence; 

● Attracting funds for research, from public and private sources; 

● Increasing the national and international visibility of research results.


The research activities carried out by Spiru Haret University during the period 2021-2027 to achieve the specific objectives are oriented, generically, in the following two fundamental directions of action: 

● Compliance with the education and quality standards applicable to the field, in force, recognized at European level by granting the Human Resources Excellence in Research logo by DG Research & Innovation- European Commission, in October 2013 and extending the right to use it in October 2019; 

● Compliance with national and European standards/criteria for the evaluation by authorized institutions (ARACIS, EUA) of the quality of educational and scientific research processes, in accordance with the legal provisions applicable to the field, in force.



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Educational Training and Research Center

Professional training center

USH Pro Business

Project management, implementation, verification and auditing department


Main objective
The department is dedicated to facilitating Spiru Haret University's access to non-reimbursable funds, essential for academic research. Here, it ensures that each initiative benefits from efficient management of funds, accompanied by a rigorous verification and auditing process. Our objective is to support the academic community in the exploration and development of innovative solutions, thus contributing to the development of quality research projects, aimed at supporting scientific and technological advancement in society.

Directions of action
– Accessing Funds: provides specialized support in identifying funding opportunities and coordinating the application process for research projects.
– Project Verification: Implements a continuous monitoring system to assess project progress and ensure compliance with funding requirements.
– Project Implementation: Facilitates the process of implementing research projects by ensuring the necessary resources and coordinating work teams.
– Auditing and Evaluation: Conducts periodic audits and rigorous evaluations to measure the impact of projects and ensure responsible use of funds.
– Researcher Support: Provides ongoing consulting and training, helping researchers understand project management processes and associated reporting requirements.


Spiru Haret University, through the Central Institute for Scientific Research, supports teaching staff to participate in COST Actions.

European cooperation in science and technology, COST is the European instrument through which scientific and technical cooperation of researchers in Europe is supported.

How can we participate in COST Actions?:
– As a member of the Management Committee (MC) of a COST action: contact the COST National Coordinator
– As a participant in a working group: contact the Action Chair of the COST action and/or the Romanian member of the Management Committee. You can apply directly for membership of the working group through the action presentation page on the cost.eu platform.

– As a participant in the activities of a COST Action

Throughout their life, Actions offer opportunities to get involved in their activities through training schools, short-term scientific missions, workshops, conferences, etc. Opportunities are created by individual Actions and promoted through their websites and social media channels.
To participate, search for Actions and research areas that interest you and either contact the Action representatives or go directly to their website.

COST Website
Regulation for participation in COST actions
COST Vademecum 
Instructions for the management, monitoring and final evaluation of COST Actions

Activities carried out by the ERASMUS + OFFICE

The Erasmus + Office carries out the following types of activities regarding the administrative management of the programs at the university:
1. Promoting, coordinating and implementing all Erasmus+ related programs at the university;
2. Collaboration with the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP) responsible for the implementation of community programs in the field of education and vocational training in Romania;
3. Informing and advising students and teaching and non-teaching staff;
4. Initiating projects within community programs;
5. Dissemination of information regarding the calendar of actions, calls for proposals at national and European level, valorization and dissemination of results obtained through the implementation of programs, promotion of good practices;
6. Establishing and developing relationships with other partner universities within community programs;
7. Alignment with the quality standards of Spiru Haret University (USH) and the European Union regarding the creation of a European Education Area;
8. Organizing events and support actions for the above activities.

Info: erasmus@spiruharet.ro