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ICCS Announces

The closing conference of COST Action 18204 Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe's cities will take place in Romania, between April 15-17, in Bucharest and Constanța. 
The opening of the conference will take place at the headquarters of Spiru Haret University, on April 15, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On April 16, the participants will be hosted by the Romanian Order of Architects, and on Wednesday, April 17, they will visit Constanța.
The CA18204 network (22/11/2019-21/05/2024) currently counts 33 countries, and Romania, at the Management Committee level, is represented by Spiru Haret University (Professor Mircea Negru) and Dimitrie Christian University Cantemir (Professor Ramona Mihăilă). The main objective of this network is to carry out comparative studies across Europe on the "placemaking" practices carried out by different actors that facilitate the reinvention of urban public spaces, a process in which arts and cultural practices play a crucial role and bring a diversity of perspectives and expressions in public spaces, transforming them into meeting places and cultural dialogue.

  1. Clarivate Analytics, Enformation invites you on December 7, 2017, from 15:00 to 15:45 at the online webinar with the theme: "Web of Science Core Collection for Beginners". Speaker: Adriana Filip, Clear Solutions Consultant Analytics. SEE MORE
  2. On November 24, 2017, the project launch conference took place: National Electronic Access to Scientific Literature for Supporting the Research and Education System in Romania - ANELIS PLUS 2020 , a project of which the University Spiru Haret . SEE MORE
  3. One Health Training Courses
    Spiru Haret University through the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in partnership with the One Health Association - New Medical Concept Romania, organizes the first one-year training courses in the field of One Health in Romania, dedicated to specialists licensed in medical sciences, respectively life sciences and alternative fields. Coordinator: Academician Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae MANOLESCU. SEE MORE
  4. Clarivate Analytics Workshop: WEB OF SCIENCE & INCITES PLATFORMES
    Clarivate Analytics and Enformation, invites you on November 23, 2017 to the workshop on "WEB OF SCIENCE & INCITES: Accelerating research work through the Web of Science. Improving Research Evaluation with Journal and Highly Cited Data ". SEE MORE
  5. On 24-25 Nov 4th Faculty of Economics Bucharest, organizes international conference LOOKING FOR NEW HORIZONS: THE CIRCULAR ECONOMYSEE MORE