European Research Area
- The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
- Initial Gap Analysis
- HRS4R Strategy 2021-2027
- HRS4R Strategy 2014-2020
- HRS4R Implementation Indicators
- List of HR Strategic Objectives
Action plan of USH Strategy
for Researchers : - AP for HRS4R 2022-2024
- AP for HRS4R 2019-2021
- AP for HRS4R 2015-2018
- Monitoring System
- Internal Analysis - Survey results 2023
- Internal Analysis - Survey results 2018
- Report on HRS4R 's implementation 2015
- OTM-R Policy
- Training courses for Researchers
Spiru Haret Education Area
- Romania de Maine Foundation(FRM)
- Spiru Haret National Society (SNSH)
- Romania de Maine Mass Media
- Premium Wellness Institute
ICCS Announces
Research Management
- Spiru Haret University Research Strategy 2021-2027
- Institutional development strategic plan 2021-2027
- Regulation on the organization and implementation of
scientific research activity at Spiru Haret University - Organization and Functioning Regulation of the Central Research Institute
- Code of Ethics regarding good practices on scientific reseach in USH
- Guide to use the "SafeAssign" anti plagiarism software on
BlackBoard platform - Structure of academic staff involved in research activities
- Methodology of performance self-evaluation in education and research
- Self-evaluation system for Perfomance in Education and Research- SAPIC